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Feb, 2024

Tournament Policy - Travel Teams

Tournaments Policy - Amityville Soccer Club - Effective 2023/24 Season

At Amityville Soccer Club, we prioritize providing opportunities for our travel teams to participate in tournaments. In order to ensure clarity and fairness in how tournaments are handled, the following policy has been established:

Budget Allocation: the club provides a budget for each travel team to attend tournaments during the season. Once this budget is utilized, any additional tournament participation will require the team to fundraise or cover the expenses independently.

Collaborative Planning: Parent Coaches and trainers are responsible for collaboratively planning which tournaments the team will attend. This involves considering factors such as location, schedule, level of competition and expense.

Communication and Consent: Parent Coaches are tasked with presenting tournament opportunities to player families. They must clearly communicate the associated costs and emphasize that participation in tournaments is optional and not mandatory for players.

Player Interest Poll: Prior to registering for a tournament, the Parent Coach conducts a poll to gauge the interest of players. This helps in determining the number of participants and dividing expenses accordingly.

Financial Responsibility: Once the team has decided to participate in a tournament, the Parent Coach is responsible for collecting funds from participating players to cover expenses such as registration fees, travel, and accommodation.

No Mandatory Fundraising: It is strictly prohibited to impose mandatory fundraising requirements on team members. Any additional funds needed beyond the club's allocated budget must be voluntarily raised by the team through organized fundraising efforts.

This policy is designed to promote inclusivity, and responsible financial management within our travel teams. By adhering to these guidelines, we aim to ensure that tournament participation remains accessible and enjoyable for all players and families involved.

For any inquiries or clarification regarding tournament participation, please contact your teams parent coach.

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